Contact Me

Contact us

Your Name :
Your Email :
Contact Number :
Have you learned Korean before?


If yes, what was the duration of your lessons?
What do you want to learn?

What day?
What time? ( From & To Time)
Additional inquiries

How to contact me?
My handphone number is 92377043. Please send me message via SMS or send me email to if I am unable to answer your call during lesson. After the lesson, I will contact you or reply to email. Please do not hesitate to check with me if you have any question.
How to get here?
(Korean language home tuition place where you can learn Korean language with comfort. It is more convenient to get off at Bukit Batok MRT station if you are taking MRT as there is shuttle bus No. 947. If you take bus No. 947, you just have to get off at 3rd stop which is just in front of the Block 305. Another option is to get off from Bukit Gombak MRT station and walk to my place. If you cannot find the place, you can call me to meet you at the bus stop or MRT station. Or, you can take taxi first and I will show you how to go back.